A day for generosity.

Bea Orbegoso


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MascallDance Celebrates GivingTuesday.

Our dance company joins millions around the world participating in the global generosity movement on November 28, 2023

Vancouver, Monday, November 20th, 2023 –

This GivingTuesday, MascallDance invites you to give,  supporting us to build a movement-based summer school that partners with the environment. GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and their world. GivingTuesday will kick off the generosity season this year by inspiring people to give back on November 28, 2023, and throughout the year.

Each year MascallDance reaches out on Giving Tuesday, and we’ve been moved by responses helping us to build support for dance artists through our BLOOM choreographic residency program.  Every year we enthusiastically participate, knowing that like Dance, Giving Tuesday is an expression of our shared humanity: connection, collaboration, and connectivity.

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past eleven years, it has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbour or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give. GivingTuesday strives to build a world in which the catalytic power of generosity is at the heart of the society we build together, unlocking dignity, opportunity, and equity around the globe.

GivingTuesday was launched in 2012 as a simple idea: to create a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past eleven years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

People demonstrate generosity in many ways on GivingTuesday. Whether it’s helping a neighbour or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving to causes we care about, every act of generosity counts. GivingTuesday has raised billions of dollars for critical causes around the world and gets billions of impressions on social media from people and organizations speaking up for the causes that matter to them and encouraging others to get involved in their communities.

“GivingTuesday inspires people all around the world to embrace their power to drive progress around the causes they care about, not just on one day but throughout the year,” said Asha Curran, GivingTuesday’s CEO, and co-founder. “With country and community leaders, millions of organizations, and countless givers of all kinds, GivingTuesday is creating a shared space where we can see the radical implications of a more generous world.”   

For more details about the GivingTuesday movement, visit the GivingTuesday website Facebook page or follow @GivingTuesday and #GivingTuesday on Instagram. 

 About MascallDance

Jennifer Mascall's perspective is driven by curiosity, which often leads to surprising places. After 50 years of creation, she feels she has only just begun her path as an artist. Recently, we have pivoted to focus on climate, and view the audience as collaborators. Our most influential teachers this year were dance artists, particle physicists, Indigenous Elders, Rabbis, and climate scientists. MascallDance is a dance creation, production, and education endeavour with 30+ seasons of works; many with extensive touring lives. “Our ability to survive for so long has come from our comfort with grassroots, low budget, guerrilla-style invention” -Jennifer Mascall, Artistic Director. Annually we offer residencies, intensives, and workshops based on where our own body of knowledge meets the interests of participants. MascallDance is looking to build relationships with presenters now for three projects, further touring of international creation The Impossible has Already Happened, which examines water and sustainability, the premiere of Lurch, and our well-loved community builder, Privilege at Home, which brings live dances to your front door.


About GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past eleven years, it has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.

Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbour or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give. GivingTuesday strives to build a world in which the catalytic power of generosity is at the heart of the society we build together, unlocking dignity, opportunity, and equity around the globe.

#mascalldance #GivingTuesday

Admin MascallDance