Who is the upcoming workshop Ancestral Voices for?
RABBI DIANE ELLIOT via ZOOM, January 17, 2021
“Ancestral Voices is an exploration of the origins and structure of voice in the body, opening internal channels to express and integrate the many voices of our ancestral lineages as they want to come through each of us in present time.
Embodied anatomy and physiology, improvisational dance, Authentic Movement, singing and sounding, writing, and conversation will be our doorways in.”
This workshop invites anyone interested in finding their own voice.
At any level of vocal experience.
This is for people who are really interested in mining their own lineages as creative material for their artwork as well as for their own healing.
For me, finding one’s own voice involves finding the physical voice from our own bodies. And then thinking about how our voices are really channels for many voices; voices of our own past are coming through us in some way.
This is for people who are interested in what is coming through them - and how that might guide us toward a different future, coming through from the past.
I’ve been doing a lot of anti-racist waking up and whiteness work, and one of the things that our brothers and sisters of colour and our Indigenous friends are asking of us as white people is to really get in touch with - and own - our lineages.
That is needed for the healing of the world and our relationship with the planet right now. So I see this work as contributing to that.
Rabbi Diane Elliot